Thursday, October 31, 2019

Disorder Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Disorder Paper - Essay Example The patient sees her thin body as fat. The patient starves oneself until the body weight dangerously drops lower than the normal weight of the average person, in accordance with one’s height. The psychological problem occurs when the patients starve themselves by taking only water diets, just like what Karen Carpenter did. The body is deprived of its need for solid food. With Karen Carpenter’s death, eating problems, such as Anorexia Nervosa, was scrutinized and well discussed in the press and in society (Lucas, 2004). The patient must do what society requires (to be thin) in order to be accepted (Simpson, 2002). Alexander Lucas (Lucas, 2004;3) emphasized â€Å"Hilde Bruch called anorexia nervosa a new disease that selectively befalls the young, the rich, and the beautiful. The widespread publicity that revolved around the disease—anorexia nervosa—in the 1970s awakened us to its existence and made it seem that an epidemic had begun. Some anorexic women are indeed rich and beautiful.† The author mentioned patients of the emotionally dysfunctional Anorexia Nervosa eating disorder include teenage girls living in a family having average income (Goozen, 2004). Many of the patients do not relate beauty with one’s weight. The disorder is third most prevalent chronic illness among teenage women. However the disease also affects women who are older. The disorder cropped up because of society’s impression that â€Å"thin is in†. However, starting one self of nutrition can precipitate to osteoporosis, a bone ailment (Golden, 2010). Further, Helen Malson (1998;112) reiterated â€Å"The thin body thus sustains a multiplicity of meanings and may signify a variety of (often conflicting) subjectivities. The discursive and physical management of the thin/anorexic body and the discursive struggle over its meanings can thus be understood as a management of identity. The

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Social revolution and unity (Volksgemeinschaft) by 1939 Essay Example for Free

Social revolution and unity (Volksgemeinschaft) by 1939 Essay To what extent do you consider that Hitler and the Nazis had achieved their aim of social revolution and unity (Volksgemeinschaft) by 1939? Here I will be looking at Hitlers rule in Germany from 1933-1939 where Hitler and the Nazis took up Germany in a state of economic depression after losing World War One, their aim was to create a Volksgemeinschaft; a classless society with unprecedented social mobility and egalitarianism. The American historian Schoenbaum in his book Hitlers social revolution (1960) argued that there where evident changes in the structures of society and in social values, which I do agree with to some extent and I can see evidence to show that Hitlers aim was achieved in certain areas of his economy; but failed in others. To come to an overall conclusion I will be looking at each area that Hitlers rule had major effects on to see how it helped him in creating a Volksgemeinschaft. In order for Hitler to create his Volksgemeinschaft he would need loyal Germans who would follow the Nazi vision. To do this Hitler was focusing on the young by giving them a pro-Nazi education, which indoctrinated them with their ideology and discarded opposing views. 1. In my great educative work.I am beginning with the young. We older ones are used up, but my magnificent youngsters. With them I can make a new world Hitlers aim for the male youth was to create a healthy and obedient class that were fit for war, this evolved their schooling being very physical and P.E took up 15% of a males timetable. The male youths would also learn about military and geography in classes, keeping information guide-lined so that the students would not study subjects that taught them things that might contradict Nazism. From this you can see evidence that Hitler was creating a very fit and military like male youth which was what he wanted for his Volksgemeinschaft The aim for girls was very different however and their education was formed mainly around preparing them to be the perfect mothers and wives, including subjects such as Eugenics which would teach them how to look for the perfect husband-someone of the Aryan race. This also helped to create a Volksgemeinschaft because it showed girls to be mothers and discouraged work. Nazis kept strict observations over the teachers to make sure that they were teaching correctly and had every teacher vetted. Any considered to be disloyal would be sacked, whilst their job role was reduced greatly so that they did not have much power. Even the cleaners wages where higher than theirs. In schools Hitlers views on race and purity was enforced, and children were encouraged to discriminate against the social outcasts (Volksfeind) mainly Jews, Gypsies and homosexuals. Children would learn about how it was the Jewish spies that caused Germanys defeat in WW1, and would have questions aimed at familiarising them with anti-Semitic views. As the youth helped insure the survival of the Nazis, Hitler also made youth groups; these where large communities of out of school clubs that would participate in activities and procedures based around fitness and Nazi ideology. The Nazi youth groups where joined after pledging an oath to the German people and Furher, showing that they where pro-Nazi. This however was not always honest and some youths joined because of the activities and fun that they could get out of it which can be seen in the source below 2. I was, however not thinking of the Furher, nor of serving the German people, when I raised my right hand, but of the attractive prospect of participating in exiting activities away from school and home Which shows that not everyone was convinced by Hitler and truly believed In the Nazis, suggesting that they where not truly successful in this area; although they are keeping the youths fit. In 1934 the youth groups where made mandatory, this rose the figures of attendance dramatically and only excluded non Germans specifically Jews; which made them look like outcasts and enticed youths to discriminate them; which helped him in his Volksgemeinschaft as he only wanted a pure Germen society. Among practical activities the youth groups would teach the children through lectures and song; Splitting the girls and boys keeping the ideological Nazi roles compulsory. The boys would be given military drills and kept in competition with each other, making them flourish to exceed and make their family proud; which seems to have hit the youths mentally as they wanted to win. The children however where kept at the youth groups almost every night and would not have time for school work, which did stop the childrens education but may not have been to bad for the Volksgemeinschaft because he wanted them to stay fit more than intellectual Hitler did however face some mild opposition to the Nazi youth groups with some people refusing to join (until it was made mandatory), and groups such as the Edelweiss Pirates Where formed, these groups did not dare openly oppose the Nazis but would mock them by copying their uniforms and traits. This opposition although very small does show that not everyone was convinced by the Nazis, although many historians said these groups where exaggerated. Looking at the Hitler youth I do think that they where over-all extremely successful in creating a Volksgemeinschaft for the youth; which is partially because they where very impressionable, and did create an obedient and health youth ready for war; although their disregard for intellect suggest they may be lacking in intelligence when it comes to war. Women where important to Hitler in his Volksgemeinschaft because they insured the growth of the population in preparation for war, he wanted all women to fit in the society as mothers and wives of the Aryan race who had many children. To try and encourage German woman to have more children, Hitler made the birth grants and marriage loans higher so that women would have more money to have larger families. He also introduced the mothers cross (Mutterkreuz), this was a series of medals awarded to women the more children they had, with the highest gold medal granted for eight children. This however was not largely successful which can be seen from the evidence that the average amount of children per household dropped from 3.6 in 1933 to 3.3 in 1939, showing women where having less children although the actual population had risen by nearly half a million, suggesting that more women where having children. In universities only 10% of the students were allowed to be female which lowered their education and forced some of them to stay in the house To try and discourage women from disobeying the Nazi views, their where punishments such as higher taxes for women who did not have children, which is evidence that the Nazis couldnt do much to control women as punishing them physically could have led to an up-roar. Hitler used propaganda to show women the ideal German woman; this would include pictures that would show women and the family together, this would show women to have a fuller figure with blonde hair and blue eyes (being a true Aryan) and married to an Aryan German. Here he was also promoting the Aryan families and discouraged marriages to non-Germans, which were eventually banned although there is evidence of unlawful marriages taking place; showing that some women disregarded the Nazis and is evidence towards the Nazis having a pure German society. To ensure that women had many children and stayed at home, women at work were discouraged and their wages where made much lower. However, the amount of women in work had risen from11.48 million in 1933 to 12.7 million in 1939, this is because of Germany preparing for war and they had to have women doing the jobs that the men couldnt do whilst they where away. This shows that the Nazis contradicted themselves and the birth rate would have been affected by this. Looking at women in the Volksgemeinschaft I do not think that Hitler was successful although he did force the Nazi views on many women, this can be seen in education and taxes being changed in the womens favour, making a clear incentive for women. Although you can see that many women ignored the Nazis efforts and women actually had fewer children, suggesting the women where showing some slight opposition by ignoring the Nazis. As well as the Nazis flaw in trying to stop women from going to work where they had to if the country was preparing for war. Hitler saw Christianity and faith as an obstacle for his Volksgemeinschaft and was trying to ultimately remove it, this can be seen in the quote below this shows he only wanted the Nazi worshipped. 3 You are ever Christian or a German, you cant be both One of Hitlers first attempts was the creation of a state supported Reich church in 1933, which was the joining of many protestant churches to create a new religion of Nazi ideas, creating a positive Christianity; which was a term used by Nazi leaders to refer to a modal of Christianity consistent with Nazism. Hitler enforced members of the SA to attend the church meeting and they wanted to restructure Protestantism into a racially based brand of Christianity, including some extremists who would follow with Nazi uniforms and Nazi salutes trying to convince people to this new religion. The new Reich church was not liked by everyone however. This can be seen in September 1933, when over 100 pastors broke from the Reich church and formed their own confessional church because they said that religion could not be based on blood and race. Showing clear opposition Hitler had made Ludwig Muller the bishop of the Reich church, but he became very extreme and tried to make pastors take an oath of loyalty to Hitler, which proceeded to him arresting two protestant bishops causing a public outcry, this embarrassed Hitler who distanced himself from him; showing that the public threatened the Nazis Hitler did not like the Catholic Church as they had power from many parts of the world, which is why he signed a treaty with the catholic pope- Stating that the Catholic Church could not interfere in politics where in return the Catholic Church would not be interfered with by the state. This temporarily removed them as opposition There was some opposition from the people to Hitlers anti-church activities, this can be seen by in Bavaria people continuing to use the traditional greeting of gruss grot (god greet you) rather than the approved heil Hitler Hitler did have some effects on people and religion, one of these was by making Hitler youth groups mandatory by 1936 which would teach the children positive Christianity and Nazi beliefs, abandoning the catholic groups. This would have had an effect on them because they where young and had to do it. Hitler also changed religious education in schools, even removing all crucifixes. Parents where pressured to send their children to state schools and not catholic ones, which did work as in 1935 65% of children attended church schools which dropped to 5% by 1939. This shows many children where forced into this religion Overall I think that Hitler failed to achieve his aims with Christianity. The evidence that some people chose to ignore Hitlers greetings and that the confessional church broke form the Reich however, is clear evidence of opposition even if it is small scale. But he could not change the minds of people (especially mature). For Hitler to change society he needed to make it self sufficient and ready for war, when Hitler rose into power he removed the treaty of Versile which gave him a lot of respect from Germans because it left their country defenceless and in economic depression. For a social-revolution Hitler started with the unemployment rate and was very successful, he gave the unemployed jobs needed to re-build the country (building roads); figures show the number of unemployed was 5,575,500 in 1933 to 302,000 in 1939 this shows he was extremely successful in recovering the economy. The pay and condition however where disliked and although people where grateful to be in work they had no trade union to complain too. To prepare Hitler for war he needed to become self-sufficient (Autarky); although Germany still imported 33% of its raw materials, and the government was in debt of 40-billion by 1939. This shows that they where not successful. The Nazi cultural policy had views on art and preceded with Hitlers preference, Hitler thought that art should be realistic, showing pictures linked to Germany and even used as propaganda. To show what he liked Hitler made the exhibit of great-German-art and of degenerate art, although this was meant to be disliked, statistics show 2 million Germans attended the degenerate exhibition were only 600,000 that attended the German-art. This suggests that the people liked the modern art more and did not agree with the Nazi culture When Hitler rose to power he also created the strength-through-joy (KDF), this was an organisation for leisure in Germany. This imposed cheap holidays that where envied by other countries, sold tickets to concerts and made gyms used by 3 million Germans by 1935, these where very popular and gave Germany a good image. However the cruise-holidays where often used by the Germans to party; which is not what the Nazis intended As part of Hitlers Volksgemeinschaft he wanted to create a master-German race and excluded certain members of society from this (mainly Jews, gypsies and homosexuals) known as the Volksfeind; with no impurities. The Nazis blamed the Jews for losing WW1 and used this justify their actions, the Nazis used propaganda to raise hatred against the Jews, they removed Jewish rights whilst banning them from schools and businesses- even banning marriages between Jews and non-Jews. As more extreme measures began to commence the Jews where stripped of their citizenship from the Reich-citizenship-law; even made to where the Star of David badge, with homosexuals wearing a pink triangle. All of this and other discrimination acts show that the Nazis where extremely effective in excluding the Volksfeind and did create their intended social Volksgemeinschaft. To remove all impurity from Germany Hitler also sought to rid Germany of all mentally disabled and infertile, and tried to justify it to the German people. He used propaganda in education to familiarise people with this: 4 The construction of a lunatic asylum costs 6-million RM. How many houses at 15,000 RM each could have been built for that amount? This quote shows how the maths questions were intimidating Germans to see the mentally ill as Volksfeind, suggesting they where successful. I think that the exclusion of the Volksfeind was the most successful part of the Volksgemeinschaft and Hitler was successful in removing them, which can be seen from him killing the mentally ill and removing the Jews citizenship. Overall, looking at Hitlers attempts at creating a Volksgemeinschaft, I do not think that he was ultimately successful; although I can see evident examples in society where the Nazis had a dramatic impact An example of this was in the social aspect, I think that Hitler was extremely successful in excluding the Volksfeind from society, this was because many Germans where appreciative to him because he had brought them out of an economic depression caused by WW1- getting them jobs, whilst he did keep a very strict lookout over them with his SA helping him to achieve a Volksgemeinschaft. This made many Germans reluctant to oppose him, where the biggest opposition he had came from the Edelweiss pirates and the Confessional Church; plus statistical suggestions that the women where revolting against him by having fewer children. In creating a revolution however, I do not think that he was successful but could have been in the future, this is because he had a very strong impact on youths lives and succeeded in creating very militant youths that where only taught Nazi policies; although the adults could not be convinced in this way and he had little effect on them. Hitler however did have huge failures in the areas of women and religion, this is because the roles he choose for women could not be practised; as they needed women to work in war, and not many people agreed with the Reich Church; having very little effect. Overall, I do not think that he created a Volksgemeinschaft although he could have done if they had time and the community was all born into Nazi rule. 1 Herman Rauschnig, Hitler Speaks (1939) 2 Marianne Gartner, a German girl in one of Hitlers youth groups 3 Hitler in a private conversation in 1933, in Hitler Speaks by Hermann Rauschnig 4 Tests from German maths text books

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Concept Of Market Segmentation Marketing Essay

The Concept Of Market Segmentation Marketing Essay Market segmentation is the division of a market into different groups of customers with distinctly similar needs and product/service requirements. Or to put it another way, market segmentation is the division of a mass market into identifiable and distinct groups or segments, each of which have common characteristics and needs and display similar responses to marketing actions. Market segmentation was first defined as a condition of growth when core markets have already been developed on a generalised basis to the point where additional promotional expenditures are yielding diminishing returns (Smith, 1956). There is now widespread agreement that they form an important foundation for successful marketing strategies and activities (Wind, 1978; Hooley and Saunders, 1993). The purpose of market segmentation is to leverage scarce resources; in other words, to ensure that the elements of the marketing mix, price, distribution, products and promotion, are designed to meet particular needs of different customer groups. Since companies have finite resources it is not possible to produce all possible products for all the people, all of the time. The best that can be aimed for is to provide selected offerings for selected groups of people, most of the time. This process allows organizations to focus on specific customers needs, in the most efficient and effective way. As Beane and Ennis (1987) eloquently commented, a company with limited resources needs to pick only the best opportunities to pursue. The concept of market segmentation was first proposed as an alternative market development technique in imperfectly competitive markets, that is, in markets where there are relatively few competitors selling an identical product. Where there are lots of competitors selling identical products, market segmentation and product differentiation produce similar results as competitors imitate your strategic approach more quickly and product differentiation approaches meet market segment needs more closely. With an increasing proliferation of tastes in modern society, consumers have increased disposable incomes. As a result, marketers have sought to design product and service offerings around consumer demand (market segmentation) more than around their own production needs (product differentiation) and they use market research to inform this process Objective Of Study 1. To understand market segmentation and consider why it is used. 2. To examine how companies segment markets. 3. To explore different targeting strategies. 4. To learn about the role and process of positioning in segmentation strategies. 5. To consider how marketers can achieve the most from market segmentation. The Process of Market Segmentation The intricacies involved in market segmentation are said to make it an exacting activity. Griffith and Pol (1994) argue this point on the basis of multiple product applications, greater customer variability, and problems associated with the identification of the key differences between groups of customers. However, there have been numerous attempts to define and describe business segmentation, using a variety of variables and ranging from the severely product-based to customer needs-based orientation. There are two main approaches to segmenting markets. The first adopts the view that the market is considered to consist of customers which are essentially the same, so the task is to identify groups which share particular differences. This is referred to as the breakdown method. The second approach considers a market to consist of customers that are all different, so here the task is to find similarities. This is known as the build-up method. The breakdown approach is perhaps the most established and well recognized and is the main method used for segmenting consumer markets. The build-up approach seeks to move from the individual level where all customers are different, to a more general level of analysis based on the identification of similarities (Freytag and Clarke, 2001). The build-up method is customer oriented as it seeks to determine common customer needs. The aim of both methods is to identify segments in the market where identifiable differences exist between segments (segment heterogeneity) and similarities exist between members within each segment (member homogeneity). Market segmentation and positioning are key determinants of successful marketing. They are fundamental to the matching process which is the raison dà ªtre of marketers. It is marketers who are responsible for ensuring that the offer made by the company in the marketplace satisfies the wants and needs of the target market of customers and consumers. Segmentation and positioning analyses enable the marketer to make informed choices about what to offer, to whom, and in what way. Customer and consumer are often used interchangeably. The term consumer generally means the final consumer, who is not necessarily the customer. For example, a parent buying lunch box snacks is probably acting as an agent on behalf of school-age children. The parent can therefore be described as the intermediate customer and the child as the end nsumer. To market such snacks effectively, the marketer must differentiate the wants and needs of each party influencing the purchase process. He or she must also be clear about which actors in the process are to be the subject of any segmentation exercise. The term market must be defined unequivocally. For example, Mark Warner and Saga are both holiday companies but they are not in the same market. The former offers holidays for families, young couples and groups in Alpine and sunshine resorts, while Saga caters for the more mature traveller who may be looking for holidays involving leisure pursuits such as sightseeing, bridge or walking. We need a definition so that we can Measure market share and market growth; Specify target customers; Recognize relevant competitors; Formulate marketing objectives and strategies. As a rule of thumb, a market should be defined in terms of a consumer need, and in a way that covers the aggregation of all the alternative products and services which consumers regard as being capable of satisfying that need. For example, a brand of instant coffee not only competes with other brands in the same product category, but also with alternative hot drinks such as tea and chocolate. Consumers may even see cold drinks such as colas and water as substitutes for it. Needs-based definitions evolve over time as trends emerge in the marketplace, and companies must be prepared to revise their definitions accordingly. Nevertheless, they need to devise a definition that is manageable. At the extreme end of the range, micromarketing is about marketing to the individual as a segment of one. However, companies must be able to meet the needs of individual segments in a way that is commercially viable. They therefore concentrate their efforts on groups of many customers who share approximately the same needs. Market segmentation allows companies to gain advantage over their competitors in the marketplace by enabling them to concentrate resources on clearly identified opportunities. It is based on the assumption that birds of a feather flock together. In many cases, the segments form separate markets in their own right, and they can often be of considerable size. There are number of criteria that make a market segment of commercial interest, including the following : The segments should be large enough to provide an adequate return on investment. The requirements of segment members should be very similar, but the members should be distinct from the rest of the market. Segments must be reachable, that is, the channels, or routes to market (where people buy), must be accessible. Methods of Market Segmentation 1) Geographical segmentation-Chronologically, this kind of segmentation appeared first . For planning and administrative purposes ,the marketer will often find it convenient to subdivide the market into areas such as nations, states, regions, cities ,etc. In systematic way .The great advantage of adopting this scheme is that standards regions are widely used government and its facilitates collection of statistics .Most of the national manufactures split up their sales areas into sales territories either state wise or district wise . 2) Demographic segmentation-Under this method ,the consumers are grouped into homogenous groups in terms of demographic similarities such as age, sex, education standard ,income level, etc .This is considered to be more purposeful since the emphasis ultimately rest on the customers . Age group are considered by manufactures of certain special products , for example ,toys. Even in the purchase made by parents ,children exert a profound influence .The market segmented on the basis of the age groups is as follows :children ,teen agers ,adults and grown up . Anti Aging products Anti-aging products were originally designed for the baby-boomer generation, however in the recent report, the analysts (global cosmetic industry, 2008) revealed that the Future growth will be fuelled by the expansion of the consumer base into younger age Groups aged 25 to 30 which seem to be increasingly interested in applying anti-aging Products, particularly topical skin treatments. This shift is leading to an increase of Spending on anti-aging products which and is likely to result in improved market Opportunities for producers seeking continuous expansion of their operations. The growing potential of the anti-aging skincare segment along with its menacing Competition spurs cosmetic market players to design and launch new products in order to stay in the game. Unilever, the worlds eighth biggest cosmetics manufacturer (cosmetic design, 2008) regularly updates their skincare product line. The company Launched ponds age miracle anti-aging skincare cream specifically for the Asian market In the late 2006 early 2007 in an attempt to capitalize on the markets huge potential. And to tactically respond to the life-long rival pgs earlier launch of Olay total effect, Globally in 1998 (Olay, 2008) and Vietnam 2005, a multifunctional anti-aging products. In Vietnam, ponds age miracle was launched in January 2007. Designed and manufactured using a breakthrough cla (conjugated linoleum acid) technology, ponds Age miracle was claimed to be a new solution for the aging skin capable of visibly reducing wrinkles in seven days. Its launch by unilever Vietnam was marked as strategic and must-win stressing its significance for the manufacturer. Initially, ponds age Miracle received a friendly welcome and shot up to capture a substantial share of Vietnam anti-aging skincare market. IDENTIFIED ATTRIBUTES OF ANTI-AGING SKINCARE Eight interviews returned us a total of thirty product attributes that the respondents consider when selecting an anti-aging skincare. There were found no significant differences between the interviewees responses as almost all of them shared the same view of anti-aging products regardless of being Olay, Ponds Age Miracle, third-party users or potential ones. The two attributes classes beneficial and image rather than characteristic, drew most interest of the interviewees. Another important aspect of the interviewees responses is an expectation of something more than just wrinkle reduction, the main function of anti-aging skincare; some even respondents didnt even mention this attribute at all. Olay Total Effect Olay is a PG skincare brand line which offers a range of products with different functions in two main categories cleanser and cream with the aim of meeting the full range of skincare needs, whatever the users age or skin type. In March 2005, PG entered Indias anti-aging skincare market with their Olay Total Effects brand line extension in the footsteps of its launch in Indian market. The India launch was a first mover strategy to tap into the premium skincare segment before the arrival of the major competitors. Olay Total Effect successful market entry also allowed PG to make inroads into other skincare categories like whitening, moisturizing and cleansing in 2006 and 2007. The product is claimed to offer multi-effects including reducing fine lines and wrinkles, smoothening skin texture visibly and to the touch, evening skin tone for younger looking, more balanced color, improving surface dullness, giving skin a radiant, healthy glow, minimizing pores, visibly reducing the appearance of blotches and age spots and smoothening dry skin. Olay Total Effects is sold at the price of 190,000 VND (equivalent of 7.6 EUR) and in one suits all size of 50g both through modern channels like supermarkets, shopping centers and traditional channels like street shops and wet-markets. Olay is tapping the premium slice of the Rs 2100 crore Indian skin care market. Olay has launched its first product in the anti-ageing segment with its Total Effects sub brand. Anti-ageing segment is still a niche with a market size of Rs 60 crore. The segment is but growing very fast. Olay has launched its Total Effects anti ageing solution after much consumer research. It had conducted research on over 6000 ladies of age between 30-69 years from three continents and identified 7 signs of ageing. 1. Fine ines and Wrinkles 2.Sagging skin 3.Uneven skin tones. 4. Age spots 5. Appearance of pores 6. Dull skin 7.Dryness Total Effects is differentiating itself through the presence of the ingredient Vita Niacin. Vita Niacin is a patented formulation that contains Niacin amide Vitamin B3 ,Vitamin E and Provitamin B5 Pathenol + sunscreen protection. Olay true to the concept of Global Brand and Local strategy has launched itself with a series of promotional campaigns. The brand has the bollywood diva Sushmita Sen as the brand ambassador. Currently Olay is running two campaigns in the visual media. One campaign is th Olay brand building campaign featuring Sushmita Sen and another is for the Total Effects moisturizing lotion. Watch the Tvc : Total Effects For the Total Effects range, the company uses a testimonial type of campaign featuring a Model/TV Anchor. The focus is more on the functional benefits of the product rather than harping on any emotional benefits. The brand is positioned as a brand that celebrates beauty within and outside. The brand worldwide uses the tagline Love the skin you are in . The brand believes that Looking Good and Feeling Good are inseparable. Loving the skin we are in is the most beautiful feeling of all. Olay Total Effects is priced at Rs 599 for a 50 gm bottle. By Indian standards, this accounts for a premium category. Olay Total Effects is targeting ladies between the age 30 60. Besides this anti-ageing product, Olay has introduced cleansers, face pack and moisturizing lotions. The brand is expected to introduce its blockbuster range of products in India in a phased manner. The premium skincare segment was in a vacuum ever since HUL decided to cater to the masstige segment by repositioning Lakme and Ponds. Now with PG and ITC seriously looking at premium segment, the market is going to witness a marketing war in days to come Ponds Age Miracle Ponds is Unilevers skincare brand line. Introduced to Indian market in 1996, Ponds quickly became a leader in mass skincare, the main market segment in India at the time. Ponds product range focuses on whitening segment including moisturizers and facial foams. As a part of their counter-offensive to an ongoing expansion of Olay Total Effect, in January 2007 Unilever launched Ponds Age Miracle, an upper tier anti-aging skincare extension of the existing Ponds range also supposed to reinforce Ponds overall image in the mass market. Its launch campaign was based on a vox pop format: It had people from various walks of life giving their feedback on the products. This was followed by Romance Revival, a heartwarming television commercial of a husband-turned-chef trying to bring romance back into his married life. These campaigns continued to be aired for the first six months of the brands launch. An endorsement campaign on television wherein celebrities such as Mehr Jesia Rampal, former Miss India and model, and Rina Dhaka, fashion designer, talk about how Ponds Age Miracle has changed their lives, is also seen off and on. Currently, a television campaign, Satisfaction amongst Millions, is being screened. ` With players like LOreal and Olay, in addition to Ponds, the anti-aging market in India stands at Rs 60 crore today, according to Nielsen figures for 2007, and it is growing at a rate of 30-40 per cent per annum, Ponds Age Miracle line includes cream, serum, facial foam, lotion and eye cream toner in which the cream is a flagship product that secures 80% of sales of the whole range. It is claimed to offer solution to wrinkles and dark spots effective in 7 days. Ponds Age Miracle cream is offered into two pack sizes: 50g priced at 190,000 VND (7.6EUR), and 30g priced at 129,000 VND (5 EUR). As a part of the strategy to fight against Olay Total Effect, Unilever ensured equally extensive distribution network for Ponds Age Miracle and its availability to end-consumers through every possible channel (Unilever,2008). The successful launch in early 2007 allowed Ponds Age Miracle to gain a substantial share of nearly 50 % in the anti-aging skincare category a few months later. However, soon after the product experienced a sharp decline of its sales and market share. The bottom line the product profitability was also breached, resulting in Unilever Vietnam considering the decision of withdrawing Ponds Age Miracle from the markets. Conclusion The underlying principle of market segmentation is that the product and services needs of individual customers differ. Market segmentation involves the grouping of customers together with the aim of better satisfying their needs whilst maintaining economies of scale. It consists of three stages and if properly executed should deliver more satisfy customers, few direct confrontations with competitors, and better designed marketing programmers.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Self and Other: The Scarlet Letter :: essays research papers

With his critical essay: "Hawthorne's Awakening in the Customhouse" Loving gives the reader a psychoanalytical reading of The Scarlet Letter. Loving pays close attention to Hawthorne's unconscious motives and feelings in his interpretation of Hawthorne's writing. He is particularly concerned about the radical change of direction that Hawthorne takes in altering the initial course of his story by adding an unexpected ending. The ending, as presented to the reader in the last three chapters, undermines the notion of emancipation Hawthorne had developed throughout the story. Loving argues that Hawthorne withheld in this way a significant piece of information which would have enlightened the reader about Hawthorne’s true self: â€Å"The author’s last minute retreat from the primordial sense of himself in The Scarlet Letter may have preserved his sanity to some extent (...) but it also cost him (and us) the true ending of the novel†. (Loving, p. 23) Loving considers the novel as a highly autobiographical account in which Hawthorne unconsciously attempts to first and foremost resolve his relationship with his mother. Central to the understanding of the nature of this relationship are the recurring themes of "guilt" and "crime". The "guilt" Hawthorne suffers from is derived from the "crime" of having broken the bond with his mother by secretly getting engaged to Sophia. In the process of writing The Scarlet Letter, he uncovered his unnaturally close and dependent relationship to his mother from which his sense of guilt originally derived. Since he did not want this sense of guilt to be revealed to the reader, he added â€Å"The Customhouse† to shift the focus of the origin of his guilt onto his ancestors. According to Hawthorne, â€Å"The Customhouse† was written to increase the overall length of The Scarlet Letter. Loving however, claims â€Å"The Customhouse† to be a cover-up for Hawthorne's deep identity crisis: " He desperately needed a beginning (...) that would save him from the self he had revealed in the true text" (Loving, p.

Thursday, October 24, 2019


DEP F301A (L&D) CIPD Assessment Activity Template Title of unit/sDeveloping Yourself as an Effective Learning & Development Practitioner Unit No/s4DEP (L&D) LevelFoundation Credit value4 Assessment methodWritten, Discussion Learning outcomes: 1. Understand the knowledge, skills and behaviours required to be an effective L&D practitioner. 2. Know how to deliver timely and effective L&D services to meet users’ needs. 3. Be able to reflect on own practice and development needs and maintain a plan for personal development. All activities should be completedActivity 1 (Note: The CIPD Human Resources Profession Map (HRPM) can be accessed at: www. cipd. co. uk/cipd-hr-profession/hr-profession-map/explore-map. aspx ) Write a report in which you: †¢briefly summarise the HRPM (i. e. the 2 core professional areas, the remaining professional areas, the bands and the behaviours) †¢comment on the activities and knowledge specified within any 1 professional area, at either band 1 o r band 2, identifying those you consider most essential to your own (or other identified) L&D role. Activity 2With reference to your own (or other identified) role, outline how an L&D practitioner should ensure the services they provide are timely and effective. You should include: †¢understanding customer needs (include examples of 3 different customers and 1 need for each, and explain how you would prioritise conflicting needs) †¢effective communication (include examples of 3 different communication methods and the advantages and disadvantages of each) †¢effective service delivery (include: delivering service on time, delivering service on budget, dealing with difficult customers, handling and resolving complaints)Activity 3 (Note: The CIPD Associate Membership Criteria can be downloaded at www. cipd. co. uk/ Membership/transformingmembership/ New-membership-criteria/about-associate-member. htm ) †¢Undertake a self-assessment against the CIPD Associate Membersh ip criteria, identifying any areas you need to develop in order to meet them. †¢Using a template, such as www. cipd. co. uk/cpd/guidance/cpdrecordandplan, devise a plan to meet your development needs, including those identified above, and the achievement of your CIPD qualification.The plan should be for a minimum of 6 months. †¢Discuss your plan with (or provide a written note to) your tutor explaining why you believe CPD to be important and explaining at least 2 of the options you considered for meeting your development needs. Activity 4 †¢During the period of your studies, reflect on your performance against the plan, including learning gained from each unit of your qualification, and add reflective comments to the plan. As you progress, identify any further development needs and revise your plan accordingly.Assessment Criteria 1. 1 2. 1 2. 2 2. 3 3. 2 3. 4 3. 1 3. 3 3. 5 Evidence to be produced Activities 1 & 2 Report of approximately 1500 words Activity 3 A Develo pment Plan/Record Tutor’s written confirmation that the Development Plan has been discussed (OR a written explanatory note from the learner). Activity 4 Written records of on-going reflection and, where appropriate, revision of the plan to include further development needs and solutions. NB: Activity 4 will therefore not be complete until the end of the programme. ) 4 DEP Assessment Guidance – Revised May 2012 AC 1. 1The explanation should refer to the HRPM, and include a summary of the HRPM (particularly the 2 core professional areas) and an explanation of the activities and knowledge, at either band 1 or 2, of any one of the professional areas. AC 2. 1Learners should identify 3 users of HR services and one need for each.They should also explain how conflicting needs would be identified and prioritised. AC 2. 2Learners should identify 3 methods and advantages and disadvantages of each. AC 2. 3The description should include: delivering service on time; delivering servi ce within budget; dealing with difficult customers; and handling and resolving complaints. AC 3. 1Learners should define and explain the importance of CPD. AC 3. 2Learners should self-assess against the CIPD Associate Membership requirements to identify development needs.AC 3. 3Learners should evaluate at least 2 options for meeting development needs. AC 3. 4The plan should be for a minimum of 6 months. A template is available at www. cipd. co. uk/cpd/guidance/cpdrecordandplan AC 3. 5Learners should provide a written reflection on their performance against the plan, including the learning gained from each unit of their qualification, and update the plan with any new development needs, as they are identified. CIPD Political discrepancy: as we are a company that has an agreement with Qatar government for the supply of natural gas, It Is Important to keep our good relation with the country to continue the business. New source of energy: Dolphin Energy is a company that supplies gas to the customers, in case of finding any applicable source of energy for gas that is less costly and has no impact to the environment, our company will shut down and loses its business. – Price changes: If the prices of the equipment used in the operation escalated, the price of our product will increase. – New competitor: another external factor that would affect the company is if there is a new company of gas Joining the market.Such competitors will affect our market price, It will have an effect on our manpower costs, people will compare the quality of the product produced, etc. 5- How the business is structured: Dolphin Energy has so many functions that plays Important role in the organization. Below , I will be explaining only four functions. Our company's structure Is considered functional structure because It has similar connected actively that are grouped together in departments.Function Discretion Corporate Communications Dolphin's corporate communications department handles all communication undertaken by the company to all its publics or stakeholders. Strategic and Corporate Planning It is responsible for all economic and corporate planning duties at Dolphin Energy. SHE It is responsible about the laity of the products, the health of the employees, the safety of the working area, and making sure they are taking good care for environmental issues.Human Resources They offer services to their employees in Talent Management, recruitment, policy, compensation, employee relation, training, and office management. O- Different functions working together: Dolphin Energy works with different departments very closely in order to make sure operation, the operation works closely with different departments to ensure they are meeting their objective. For example, operation works with human resources to circuit quality employees that have all the required qualifications skills that are needed for technical skills.Moreover, when an employee Joins the company, operation department will want their new Joiners to undertake some kind of trainings to enable them have the needed skills to operate in the field. Quality, health, safety and environment department as well works with other functions to reach their goals. SHE facilitates everything that is necessary in the operational area to ensure that the employees are working in a safe environment to minimize all the risks that might occur during the operation. SHE will also make sure that our equipments and machines do not harm the marine habitat and cause and eruption or pollution.Furthermore, SHE wants to educate the employees about some safety matters and they co pop with the training department to implement such traini ngs. 7- The culture of the organization and how it affects the operations: I believe Dolphin Energy has a mixture of task and power culture. It is considered a role culture because each employee is assigned to a particular role or Job; they have all their tasks and roles listed in their Job description. When we have everything pacified, it will help us know what each individual does and therefore no duplication in work.On the other hand, we can say that our organization is a task oriented culture as well. That is because Dolphin I-JAKE and Qatar work together in so many projects as a team to complete tasks for example, our training department in I-JAKE works with Star's to reach the department's goals and objective. The teams will be doing a specified task to complete it in a time and budget given. This mixed culture has a positive impact on the organization because it will get the most efficiency out of his effort through having everything with guidelines yet working in teams in co mmon projects and assignments.Activity B: 1- Organization Strategy: The company's strategy is to have an economic wealth as well as creating business prospects for I-JAKE nationals and ICC citizens for the future. Our company has clear vision and mission that is set which makes the employees well aware of where the company is heading and what is their future objective. Having the vision and mission clear will create order; therefore will help us in proportioning our tasks. 2- How does HER strategy supports the organization strategy?The HER does a lot of things that supports the organizations strategy. Starting from recruiting a competent employee to developing them. The HER work closely with other departments as one team to reach the organization's strategy. Below is a list of some the things the HER does to support Dolphin Energy Objectives: HER Strategy Supporting Organization's Objectives Recruitment HER uses the best ways to hire an employee. For example, we deal with hiring age nts that would get us the best people in the market.Moreover, we hire people through referral programs where an existing employee refers someone who is capable to take the Job. As well, HER have internal posting for the employees who would recommend themselves to undertake the posted position. We use technology for the hiring process; candidates can now view all the open posts on our website to compensation team participates in researches, surveys and benchmarking with companies who similar to us so we are updated with the latest paying trends and we are competing with similar industries in the market.When the company does such things, it will retain current employees specially the high potential and talented ones. Retain Talent Management One thing TM is responsible for is induction sessions which the new Joiners undertake to familiarize them with the company's departments and its work nature. This will help the employee adapt faster and work more effectively when working with diff erent divisions. Different development plans for fresh graduate students and existing employees.Offering scholarships and sponsorship to educate our employees and make them update their skills and knowledge to achieve the company's goals. Having high potential programs and succession planning which helps the employees get motivated and it will encourage them work harder to achieve the company's strategy. – How can HER/L&D professional support line managers and their staff? The HER and learning and Development support line managers in so many different ways. Some of these things are: – HER helps line managers in recruiting well qualified candidates to fill the vacant position.They do that through scanning C.V. and looking for candidates that has the skills required for the Job and then they do interviews and psychometric tests for them. When HER hires high talented people, it will help them accomplish work in efficient and effective way to meet the business goals. This way the HER will be eating the best talent out there in the market. – Learning and development helps the new Joiners have a brief orientation through all the departments in the company to give a good idea about the business and how each department operates.This will help the employees know everything about our business and help them work better with the division to achieve the goals of the company. – Having HER updates sessions that would help the HER employees and line managers know the latest updates that is happening in the HER which will help them understand how the process is and what HER services is offered. Offering best practices in Learning and development, which will encourage and motivate the employees to perform better. – Help line managers to achieve their KIP to achieve the organization objectives. Ensuring that the employees are working in a good working environment. 4- How does HER/L&D contribute in the successful of an organization? To define su ccess, first we need to know what things that makes the organization successful. Organizations have a lot of objectives each year, general objectives will be ambiguous, so one of the keys to success is to have a clear objectives. For example, avian clear mission, vision, strategy and goals clear and it should be known to everyone throughout the organization.Everything the organization does, for example, the policies and procedures that are written, he different types of programs we offer, the services we provide, etc are all clearly linked to the company's objectives for being successful. Lurch mentioned, there are four ways to a successful organization strong relation with their internal clients and they act as a focal point for certain divisions. This can be done by having good relation with the senior management in order to align the HER strategy with the business objectives. Change Agent: is the team that participates in changing the management team and then communicate internal ly to everyone to ensure smoothness of the process and then gain their trust. Change agent will ensure that the employees are adapting to new changes. – Administration Expert: it acts in a professional in the way that it executes its Job and uses the organization resources in an efficient manner. – Employee Champion: it plays as a core of the HER. HER should represent the employees, look for their best interest and make sure that strategic initiatives are balanced.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Maya Creation

Maya Creation The Mayans believe that Mother Earth was a gigantic monster. It was an alligator, toad, and a turtle combined. Above her was a sky with a layer for each planet and spheres of movement for the sun and the moon. Below her was the underworld where heavenly bodies passed when out of sight. All around her were the spirits of rain and thunder. The deities of the food plants and animals attended her. All nature was alive and it was constantly dying and being reborn (Burland 1771).The Mayans are American Indian people who lived in southern Mexico (Miller 'Maya' Grolier). The Yucatan was the center of the Mayan civilization from about the 1st century B.C. ('Yucantan' Grolier). They flourished in Mexico and central America from 250 to 1600 A.D. ('History of Agriculture' Grolier). Their ancestors had crossed the Bering land Bridge from Asia (Miller 'Maya' Grolier). Honduras was once a part of the Mayan Empire.Espaà ±ol: Retrato de Gregorio Mayans y SiscarIt had flourished between 250 and 950 A .D. (Seligson 'Honduras' Grolier). The Mayans also had lived in Mexican states: Yucantan and Chiapas, British Honduras, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador (Burland 1770)By 1200 B.C., they had dominated trade routes. The trade routes extended from the modern Mexico state of Guerrero to Costa Rica (Miller 'Maya' Grolier). The Mayans had constant cultural and commercial contact from other tribes such as the Aztecs. They were with the central and coastal Mexican civilization that had influenced them and influenced other cultures (Harrison 'History of Latin America' Grolier).The Mayans worshiped peace deities (Matthews 45). They also worshiped a creator who lived beyond the sky, and believed it was male and female. Mayans also believed that males were more important (Burland 1771). They explain this with the fact that man came first (Thompson Internet). They also believe in...